A Word In Your Ear, If You Hear It | Hymn Lyrics
A word in your ear, if you hear it
You’ll live happily all your life.
Instead of grief, worries and
Always saying I am tired,
Open for Him who is knocking
The door of your heart for long.
If you open, you’ll find rest
And spread flowers under His feet
A word in your ear, if you hear it
Don’t think that He will come
Into your heart empty handed.
No, He will bring all goodness
With all kind in His hands.
You will be content when you
Hear peace from His lips.
If you open, you’ll find rest
Why do you run away from Him
A word in your ear, if you hear it
When He enters, He will cleanse
All feelings and deeds.
All sinful thoughts
Will run away before Him
Because you won’t find
Light and darkness in one place.
If you open, you’ll find rest
And your life will be truly great
A word in your ear, if you hear it
You will live gloriously
When God abides in you
He will cleanse your senses,
Strenghthen and shepherd you.
You will feel as if flying
Like a dove in the sky.
If you open, you’ll find rest and
God’s Spirit will overshadow you
A word in your ear, if you hear it
But, my friend do not wait
As always saying “later”,
May be tomorrow or when free
I have work for a day or two.
Tomorrow could be like today, so
How do you guarantee tomorrow.
If you open, you’ll find rest
But don’t say “later”
A word in your ear, if you hear it
Why don’t you just open
Your heart starting tonight.
Tell Him: Please come O Lord
Bless my heart and abide in me,
Purify, cleanse, furnish, Manage
And sow it; for it is yours.
If you open, you’ll find rest
Why do you harden your heart
A word in your ear, if you hear it