Hymns and Lyrics

Blessed Are You Anba Bishoy, O Beloved Of God | Hymn Lyrics

Refrain: Blessed are you Anba Bishoy O beloved of God Blessed for seeing Him And meeting with Him Blessed O His beloved You washed His feet O righteous and perfect man O full of virtues The angel said in a vision That you are blessed You are chosen from childhood From among your brethren The Lord called you And saved and strengthened you He promised and fulfilled And filled you with His spirit

Blessed Are You O Anba Bishoy | Hymn Lyrics

Refrain: (Blessed are you… Blessed are you)2 (Anba Bishoy, blessed are you)2 All the monks Beseeched with their heart To see their God With love, you listened to them You raised up prayers Your God replied And told them of the time They were rejoiced in the Lord They all rejected Him But you accepted Him You came right to Him With love, you carried Him God then promised you

Anba Bishoy, O Great Saint | Hymn Lyrics

Refrain: Anba Bishoy, O great saint You resembled our father Abraham (You hosted the Good Lord And received honor and blessing) My Lord Jesus back in the days Washed the feet of His honored apostles And you are the only one among the sons of man (Who washed His feet, but with exaltation)2 I come to your church with joy And worship my Lord with faith You remind me with Simeon the elder

Very Early Sunday Morning | Hymn Lyrics

Very early Sunday morning Mary Magdalene ran to The tomb of the beloved Savior Standing and watching)2 (Before the stone was rolled away The Savior rose victoriously)2 Refrain: (Truly He is risen The Lord is risen) (The tomb was all light And the guards fell down And the angel cried out saying Jesus is risen as He said)2 (Minds were puzzled for an Empty tomb with linen cloths)2 (Mary saw a man

Jesus Appeared to the Disciples | Hymn Lyrics

Jesus appeared to the disciples In the absense of Thomas the apostle They told him the Lord is risen He said: this cannot be His faith was weak Forgetting the power of God Like many other people Who forget His gifts Thomas said to the disciples: I will not believe what you just said Unless I place my finger In the place of the nail And in the wound of the spear

Very Early Sunday Morning - Hymn Lyrics

Very early Sunday morning Before the dawn’s light appeared (Jesus is risen declaring Victory no more defeat)2 Refrain: Resurrection is my song Resurrection gave me life (Resurrection made me strong Jesus my Lord is alive)2 His majesty defeated death He rolled the big stone away (And from the mouth of the tomb appeared His beautiful and splendid light)2 The first of those who have fallen asleep And the Giver of life has risen victoriously

Resurrection Medley - 3 | Hymn Lyrics

O mighty One who conquered the tomb and death When You rose. When You rose You crushed the serpent and apprehended the enemies And triumphed. And triumphed O Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God O Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace O Jesus Very early Sunday morning Before the dawn’s light appeared (Jesus is risen declaring Victory no more defeat)2 Resurrection is my song Resurrection gave me life (Resurrection made me strong Jesus my Lord is alive)2

Resurrection Medley - 2 | Hymn Lyrics

You stood up and called me With a compassionate voice And said: come And enjoy safety with Me I heard You calling In faith, I took a step Asking for Your presence Here in that place You disregarded the distance You abolished the time You came to me while lost And paid the price You rose to save me And gave me life With your death So I can live O Lord

Resurrection Medley - 1 | Hymn Lyrics

(Arise, destroy the Devil bringing his state to nothing Arise, declare and say to the dead I forgave you this sin)2 Arise and strengthen the shepherds’ faith And bring back the lost sheep Then our mouths are filled with joy And our tongues with rejoicing For our Lord Jesus Christ Is risen from the dead He abolished death by His might And made life shine upon us He is the one who has descended

Ekhristos Anesti - Hymn Lyrics

Refrain: (Ekhristos Anesti Alithos Anesti Christ is risen Truly He is risen)2 He carried our sorrows Forgave us our sins Healed us by His stripes And grant us eternal peace He struck the sting of death When He rose victoriously And illuminated the way And banished darkness If your crucifixion Ended the story of Your love I wouldn’t be alive now Shouting: Christ is risen How should I stay Grief-stricken at Gologotha