"I Love You" Means Everything

· · 145 words · 1 minute read

(“I Love You” means everything
I love You, but words can’t express)2
Your love passed all obstacles
(My beloved and righteous Jesus)2

(“I Love You” ends all pain
I love You, starts all melodies)2
Your love is an everlasting love
(My beloved and righteous Jesus)2

(“I Love You” O Son of Man
I love You, O comfort of the worried)2
Your love is an icon of faith
(My beloved and righteous Jesus)2

(“I Love You” crossifies my shame
I love You, even in fiery flames)2
Your love is the love of sacraments
(My beloved and righteous Jesus)2

(“I Love You” melts hard hearts
I love You, lifts up the oppressed)2
Your love made my heart repent
(My beloved and righteous Jesus)2

(“I Love You” O faithful friend
I love You, even during hardship)2
Your love is the greatest thing ever
(My beloved and righteous Jesus)2
