Gates Of Hades - Hymn Lyrics

Refrain: How harsh was darkness on you How death tried to overtake you How torment and persecution And suffering traumatized you How harsh was darkness on you You were wounded like Jesus With nails and thorns You and your children suffered Banished and exiled I wonder how did you stand (Against denial and infidelity)2 It was a sound that echoed Always in your ears That enflames power in you When the Lord said about you

I Dream To Go Far Far Away - Hymn Lyrics

(I dream to go far far away I wish to break the iron chains I dream with a world new new Where my heart will be happy)2 Refrain: (When I see a flying bird I wish to be like him)2 (When I see a far-away cloud I wish to be a gentle breathe)2 High above To hear the whispering of Your voice (I dream to go to my beloved Jesus

That Garment - Poem Lyrics

Behold, take that garment For my heart is not in it I do not own that garment Or even claim it You own it You can take it back Or take off if you will Or just leave it alone As for my heart I have sworn That you will not have it I do not own my heart Nor will you ever do It is owned by my God

O My God, Deepest Love Is Your Love - Poem Lyrics

Refrain: O my God, deepest love is Your love O my God, I desire to see You I desire to see You In superior and glorious beauty In honor among the hosts of Your heaven Or see Your beauty in the Son In whom everyone saw You You are the fullness of the mind and heart (In this alien life, there is none but You)2 Among people, I draw them to

As A Stranger I Lived In This World - Poem Lyrics

(As a stranger I lived in this world A guest like my fathers A stranger in my ways In houghts and desires)2 (As a stranger, I could not find A hearer, to tell him my opinions)2 The people are puzzled by my sympathy, not knowing my epidemic (The people swim in pasture, with uproar and noise And isolate myself here, with my meek and little heart)2 (As a stranger, I could not find a

My Tender Heart Has Become Your Home - Poem Lyrics

(My tender heart has become Your home Deep in my bosom is Your dwelling place)2 I have forsaken the world and its pleasures And abandoned all so that I may live with You I have no desire, nor passion, nor Have I a thought but to follow You And my father Jacob I know his secret Now I know how he wrestled with You (O kind-hearted, how sweet You are

You Did Not Listen To The Serpent - Hymn Lyrics

It was not You who listened to the serpent It was my mother, who sinned and listened to its call It was not You who plucked from the garden It was my mother, who plucked illicitly of its fruit You are holy and pure, whereas I am the one who went astray and was lost You are high in heaven, whereas I am the son of the earth, whose origin is its dust

My Friend, I Do Not Know What I Am - Hymn Lyrics

My friend, I do not know what I am Nor do you know what you are here You like me, are lost in this foreign land And all people are also like us (We spend a time as guests Then go when our day comes)2 (Our ancestors lived in early times Then came after our fathers)2 I entered the universe naked So I own nothing in it or riches I shall go over naked without what the

Close The Door And Reason With Jesus - Hymn Lyrics

Refrain: Close the door and reason with Jesus In the darkness of the night Fill the night with prayers (Struggling and tears)2 (O you who are troubled And lost in deep thoughts Asking people and complaining Crying out where is the way)2 (Did you find the way And kind heart, O poor one Did people carry out All your hardships)2 (My friend: no one will help Not even a friend

Returning Back To You - Hymn Lyrics

[(Returning back to You From much grief and sorrow)2 Leaving the perishing world Save me O Lord Jesus]2 Refrain: (O Jesus, the pure fountain O sweet and warm bosom Your love is sufficient for me I will never go back again)2 [(Returning back after starvation From the midst of a cruel world)2 Keep me from going back And fill me up O Lord Jesus]2 [(You searched among mountains And restored me from error)2